Monday, October 13, 2008

It's Not Over 'til It's Over

We've knocked on the last door, dropped off the last brochure … now we wait like the rest of the country to digest our turkey see how it all pans out.

Things aren't over — as of today there were still many undecided voters out there. So there will be more than a few Canadians having a restless night, tossing and turning while their minds sort through the pros and cons of voting for each political party. (I voted about three weeks ago, by special ballot, so my sleep won't be disturbed by electoral indecision.) Not quite visions of sugar plums dancing through their heads, more like visions of either a promising or a perilous future, depending on the leader in question.

Sweet dreams, dear Canada — may our collective choices be the best for our country, now and for at least the next few months, 'til the next election...

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